Yingjie Yang's CV
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Email: yingjie.yang@mq.edu.au
Homepage: www.yingjieyang.com Phone: +61 (0)2 9850 8414
Google scholar: scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=J-gPVWYAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
RES_ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/L-4951-2015
Ph.D. Geophysics, Brown University 2005
B.S. Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China 2000
2015-present Associate Professor, Macquarie University
2014-2015 Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University
2010-2013 Lecturer, Macquarie University.
2008-2010 Senior Research Associate, University of Colorado at Boulder.
2005-2008 Research Associate, University of Colorado at Boulder.
2000-2005 Research Assistant, Brown University
Research interests:
Dynamics and deformation of Earth’s lithosphere and mantle, Ambient noise surface wave tomography, Teleseismic surface wave tomography, Numerical modeling of surface wave propagation in 3-D heterogeneous medium.
Honors & Awards
2015 The Anton Hales Medal from Australian Academy of Science
2013 Australian Research Council, Future Fellowship
2016 Chutian Guest Chair Professor, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
2016 Earth and Planetary Science Letter, Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing
2014 Outstanding Reviewer for Geophysical Journal of International
2010 Outstanding Reviewer for Geophysical Journal of International
2000 Award of Excellent Bachelor Thesis, USTC
2000 Graduate with Honor of USTC (B.S.), USTC
Current Graduate Students/Researchers
Farshad Salajegheh PhD student, associate supervisor 2014-present
Anqi Zhang PhD student, associate supervisor 2018-present
Kai Wang Postdoc 2019-present
Former Graduate students/Researchers
Anqi Zhang PhD student (associate supervisor, ow Associate research professor at Innovation Academy
for Precision Measurement Science and Technology,CAS) 2017-2021
Guoliang Li PhD student (now Professor at Central South University) 2016-2020
Shucheng Wu PhD student (now Professor at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) ) 2016-2019
Kai Wang PhD student (now Professor at University Science and Technology of China) 2015-2018
Chengxin Jiang PhD student (now research fellow at Australian National university) 2012-2016
Mehdi Tork Qashqai PhD student (now researcher at CSIRO) 2012-2017
Jun Xie PhD student (now Associate research professor at Innovation Academy
for Precision Measurement Science and Technology,CAS) 2013-2016
Zhen Guo Postdoc (now Assistant Professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology) 2013-2016
Awarded research grants (CI: Chief Investigator; PI: Primary Investigator)
Australian Research Council DP190102940 (2019-2021, leading CI: Y Yang; CI J.C. Afonso, awarded: AUD$370,000) Unveiling the fine structure of the Australian continent using ocean waves.
Australian Research Council ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems. 2011-2018, AUD$12,400,000; One of the 15 CI.
Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (2014-2018, Leading CI. Y Yang, awarded: AUD$733,323) How the Earth moves: Developing a novel seismological approach to map the small-scale dynamics of the upper mantle
Australian Research Council DP120102372 (2012-2014, leading CI: J.C. Afonso, CI Y Yang and N. Rawlinson, awarded: AUD$285,000), What lies beneath: Unveiling the fine-scale 3D compositional and thermal structure of the subcontinental lithosphere and upper mantle
Australian Research Council DP120103673 (2012-2014, Leading CI: N Rawlinson; CI Y Yang; awarded: AUD$420,000) Down under Down Under: Using multi-scale seismic tomography to image beneath Australia's Great Artesian Basin.
Macquarie university infrastructure fund (2015; AUD$100,000, one of ten CI) Cluster Computing for Large-Scale Geophysical Simulations: Towards an Integrated Multidisciplinary Framework
Macquarie university infrastructure fund (2013; AUD$100,000; one of six CI; Cluster computing for 21st-century Geophysical simulations).
Macquarie New Staff fund (2011-2012, AUD$20,000; Leading CI) Understanding the growth of the Tibetan Plateau: Unveiling the fine-scale 3D structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Tibetan Plateau
USA NSF-EAR- 0944022 (2020-2012, USD$284,088, PI: Mike Ritzwoller; Co-PI: Yingjie Yang) Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Anisotropy beneath Tibet: New Constraints on Deformation Processes.
USA NSF-EAR-0711526 (2007-2010, USD$276,554, PI: Mike Ritzwoller, Co-PI: Yingjie Yang) Ambient Noise and Teleseismic Tomography to infer the Physical State and Structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the Western United States
Professional Service
2015-present, Associate editor for the journal of “Exploration Geophysics”.
2017-present, Member of editorial board of Journal “Earth and Planetary Physics”.
2015-present, Macquarie University’s representative for IRIS.
2009-2010, Member of IRIS Transportable Array Working Group
2003-present, Peer reviewer for journals of Science Advances, GRL, EPSL, GJI, G-cube, BSSA, PEPI, Tectonophysics, Lithos, PAGS, Earthquake Science and for proposals of China NSF, USA NSF, Australian Research Council and European Resuscitation Council