Welcome to Yingjie Yang's research group

Yingjie Yang 

Professor of Geophysics 

Department of Earth and Space Sciences

Southern University of Science and Technology Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518055

Email: yangyj@sustech.edu.cn 

Google Scholar ID

ResearcherID: L-4951-2015 

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1105-3824


Ph.D. Geophysics, Brown University                                                2005

B.S. Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China        2000



2021.11-         Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology

2015-2021       Associate Professor, Macquarie University 

2010-2015       Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University. 

2008-2010       Senior Research Associate, University of Colorado at Boulder. 

2005-2008       Research Associate, University of Colorado at Boulder. 

2000-2005       Research Assistant, Brown University


Research interests: 

Structures, dynamics and deformation of Earth’s lithosphere and mantle

Ambient noise tomography

Teleseismic surface wave tomography

Joint inversion of multiple geophysical data for the lithosphere structures

Professional service:

2022-present, Associate editor for JGR-Solid Earth

2015-present, Associate editor for Exploration Geophysics.

2017-present, Member of editorial board of Journal “Earth and Planetary Physics”. 

Opportunities for postdoc and PhD fellowship 

There are several postdoc positions and PhD fellowships available in Yang’s research group. For details about the postdoc positions, please check out this link http://talent.sustech.edu.cn/rsfw/sys/zpglxt/extranet/index.do#/gwxq/4e56b32ba25e4e53b4c3ceb23f52663a

For the information about the PhD fellowship, please directly contact Prof. Yingjie Yang via the email yangyj@sustech.edu.cn or yingjieyang@gmail.com.